Sunday, July 6, 2008

Put it out there.

I laughed when Oprah Winfrey with her mega millions said, "put it out to the Universe,it will come" My husband was even less kind. I happened to be watching Oprah because I was in the kitchen preparing dinner. I am not one of her die hard fans who would cry at the sight of her. When she said, "put it out to the Universe" Fabio said, "have another donut".

Still, I liked that idea. So I tried it. My sister Moy and her husband have these amazing seats for the Red Sox. I mean, amazing. 2nd row behind homeplate. They are literally called "golden tickets" and they have a gold rim! We get them occasionally. About a month after that Oprah show aired, we got the tickets. That wasn't my "put it out to the Universe" plea. They have 4 seats and we usually get 2. As we left the Fenway that night I said to Fabio, "If we ever get all four tickets I would love to take David Bryant (he lives in Georgia) and Emily Liu (she lives in Hawaii). There. I said it. Fabio was all, fat chance sweetheart. I told him I was putting it out to the Universe.

David is a big baseball fan and totally gets the Boston Red Sox. Even though he grew up in Macon, GA he sees the history of my ballclub and has always wanted to see a game at Fenway. Emily was my charge in Honolulu for years. Her mom comes from New England. Emily is obsessed with the Red Sox. She knows every player's hometown (even those tiny ones in the Dominican Republic), she knows what kind of cars they drive. She knows all of their wives names and how many kids they have. That is ON TOP of all of their stats,RBIs, ERAs

Almost a year to the date of my putting it out to the Universe, there we sat, 2nd row behind homeplate with Emily and David. Go figure.

Emily is looking miserable in these photos because we just lost.


Julie said...

That's incredible. The Universe part, not the losing part...

harris said...

what a boost, so glad i read/you shared.