Friday, August 1, 2008


Look at my nephew and niece. Aren't they cute? Anand has graduated from Boston University and is excelling in his field. Advertising. Cathleen is at Boston College majoring in theology. I showed my boys this picture in order to prepare them for the uniforms that they must wear at their school, Ann Mary, in India. Always the cut up, Owen said, "Mom!That skirt will cover my knees! I like my knees!"

"The pants will too, girlfriend" countered Enzo. They are so funny!

Neither are thrilled about the uniforms. They are thrilled about India however. I have never seen so many bold X's on a calendar in my life! We are leaving the U.S August 31st and staying for three months. I am so excited to show these kids the land that I speak of so much. I was 25 the last time I was in India. I arrived on my birthday. It was such a life changing experience for me. I loved every single minute of it. I was there for 4 months and I never wanted to leave. I remember sitting next to a French girl on the airplane coming home. We both saw the New York skyline come into view. She had never been to America. We said "New York" at the exact same time in decidedly different tones. I love New York, but not that day. I wanted to go back to New Delhi.

I spoke of India so much when I arrived home in America. I guess wearing bindis on my forehead daily was kind of a conversation starter. Five years after my return,I visited a friend of mine in San Francisco. He introduced me to his new friends with, "This is Lucy, she just got back from India."


Jo Chopra McGowan said...

I love this one! Especially the last paragraph. who was the friend? Does he know you're on your way back????

patrice said...

your boys are crack ups-where'd they get that from...? (YOU).