Friday, July 4, 2008

Skipping, jogging, walking and sprinting

This is me, not eating cake. And then that is me continuing not to eat cake. I had a salad for dessert like those French people do. Those are the Owens in the back ground eating cake. Let them.

My ipod has made all the difference in the world to me. I have downloaded a bunch of This American Lifes. THAT is correct English by the way. I also have music, because music definitely makes me move faster. I am able to keep my boys in my sights, as we go round and round and round.

I started SKIPPING today. That is sport, man. I loved it. That is when music is paramount. I also love the easy jog. Nothing heroic, nothing too fast. I do like that quick sprint that moves mind and body. Mostly, I like the steady jog. I am still pretty new at this and making it around the track four times without stopping (while jogging) impresses me to no end. That is a mile, Enzo tells me. We are keeping track (literally). I can walk until I am blue in the face, but that push... that push makes me sing.

I swear it is the track. I have tried to run on city streets and I just don't get the momentum. There is something about going around and around, steady steady.I keep wanting to push.

I am not going to kid myself. I was completely self concious on the street. I envisoned every one driving by chuckling to themselves or making a snide comment to their passenger. Get a load of her and who does she think she is? The people at the track are MY people. We are all doing the same thing. It is a sub culture and I like it.

It is kind of ironic that I am waiting for our baby back ribs to emerge from the Weber. We have corn on the cob, potatoes, salad, and beautiful tomatoes too...but there is also a cake.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Have you ever read about Montaigne, as in the French philosopher, and how when he was thinking/processing/writing in his head he would go around and around in his study, which was built in a circular tower of his house.

Or something. I'd have to go find my notes from that class to tell it for real, but he did indeed find walking in a circle to be very zen.